This category includes the following additives:
Octane Boosters
The primary purpose of octane boosters is to improve the performance and efficiency of a vehicle’s engine, particularly in high-performance or high compression engines.
Other Key Benefits:
- Improving octane quality.
- High-octane fuel, or fuel treated with an octane booster, is less prone to knock, making it essential for certain high-performance engines.
Reduced Ignition delay: High-octane fuels and octane boosters can improve engine performance by allowing for more advanced ignition timing. This means that the spark plug fires at the optimal moment, resulting in more power and better fuel efficiency.
Cetane Improvers
Are are added to diesel fuel to improve its cetane number. A higher cetane number indicates that the fuel ignites more easily and efficiently when injected into the engine’s combustion chamber.
Other Key Benefits:
- Improved cold start.
- Reduced engine knocking and Noise: Higher cetane numbers lead to smoother and more controlled combustion in diesel engines.
- Increased engine efficiency: Cetane improvers promote a more complete and efficient combustion process, which can lead to improved fuel efficiency. This means that the engine extracts more energy from each unit of fuel, resulting in better mileage.
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