Meadows and species-rich grasslands can support a huge range of wildlife and provide other environmental
benefits, including carbon storage and habitat for crop pollinators.
Once an intrinsic part of the British landscape, bursting with colour and wildlife; they have, since the 1930’s
suffered a sharp decline. This important habitat now covers just 2% of the UK. Increasing the amount and quality of our species-rich grassland is vital.
Helping to re-wild UK landscapes is a great opportunity for SBZ Corporation to leave a positive legacy for today’s and future generations. By investing both time and money, we will help manage plots of land across the UK, starting in 2020, with a meadow in Suffolk.
Becoming a member of the small woodland owners group, we all look forward to learning new skills. SBZ aim to introduce native wild plants, trees and natural protective hedging; encouraging wildlife to flourish and increase biodiversity.
The changes will allow the local community, families, schools and the SBZ team to spend quality time amongst nature, help it flourish and explore the natural world. Starting with planting fruit trees, the hard work begins… We will keep you up to date with our progress.