SBZ is excited to announce the appointment of Stuart Taylor as Product Manager.
What is your role within SBZ Corporation?
I am a Product Manager at SBZ.
What does your role involve?
I am responsible for the development of the SBZ product portfolio by assisting with growth, long term diversification and supporting the sales team. I work closely with customers to support their business and ensure they remain competitive in their part of the market.
What experience do you have that will help you succeed at your role?
Over the last 13 years, I have built a broad range of experience across the Fuels and Lubricant Additive industry, from fundamental understanding to component development and formulation of products. I have led several large projects pushing the boundaries of lubricant technology with the aim of providing more sustainable solutions for internal combustion engines.
What did you study at university and where?
I studied Green Chemistry at The University of Leicester.
Why did you choose to work in the industry?
This industry is a pairing of two of my favourite subjects, engineering, and chemistry!
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Running, skiing, and spending time with my family.
What motivates you to work hard?
I am motivated by work that makes a difference to the business and more importantly the customer.