Key questions to consider when purchasing Corrosion Inhibitors.

Surfactants are commonly used as Corrosion Inhibitors to protect metals or alloys against corrosion.

When purchasing, you need to consider a few key questions:
• What alloy or metal needs to be protected?
• What are the environmental health and safety requirements?
• Do you require a water or oil/solvent-based formulation?
• What is the duration of protection required?
• What are the storage, packaging and transportation conditions?
• How will the final product be applied, and what are the environmental factors to consider?

SBZ offers an expanded surfactants and coatings portfolio formulated for industrial use.
Our corrosion inhibitor range is suitable for immersive and atmospheric environments across different substrates, offering various performance requirements.

Our six key questions are just part of the series we ask to make sure you find the right product for your final application.

Contact us for more information: Email:

🇬🇧        T: +44 (1268) 761504
🇺🇸        T:  (888) 887-2987

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